The Angels Speak

Channeled by Dale Epley

The Angels Speak

Channeled by Dale Epley

Messages From Michael
 Archangel Michale by Michael Waters

Michael Waters, Artist
This link connects you to the artistry of Michael Water. He created the beautiful image of ArchAngel Michael on this page.

Messages from On Wings of Love logo Newsletter

It is so easy to focus on the problems that exist in our world that we often forget to be aware and thankful for the positives and pluses we have.



May, 2024

Michael: As a human on this special journey on Earth, you have each given yourself certain assignments that you (as soul) felt would enhance your journey to the fullest. For many, the journey can turn hazardous if you find yourself in love with an abuser of any kind... and there are many... physical, mental emotional. These all affect your health in many different ways, but they ALL affect your physical health in a negative way.

From the time you encounter such a person, it is your responsibility to learn how to 'save' yourself... literally. On a soul level, before birth, while you were creating your future journey, the intention was to experience that kind of relationship, but to eventually get out of it. While most will either accept or leave, there are a very few that choose to experience death because of that relationship.

It is not right or wrong... it just IS. It is up to the abused person to find help or learn how to help the self in such situations. Yes, there are those abusers that are mentally out of touch with reality enough that they would rather kill their prey than see them free or with another. It is hard for most to believe, but in those cases the abused chose to experience that also.

Dale has said that Earth would be so beautiful, so perfect, if it were not for the humans that come to her. And, yes, she is right. But Earth was created for souls to visit, create the adventure/adventures they desire, then to return to their true home when the Earth journey ends. Those that are most adventurous create the lives most dangerous to themselves or others. But all that are associated with any danger have agreed or have a contract to do so.

The evil ones do prey on the innocent, but cannot do harm unless invited in. For instance... a perfectly innocent foray into trying drugs can lead to addiction which can lead to heavier use and being 'out of their body" at different times. That gives a negative or evil energy the opportunity to become a major influence over that person. Yes, that person signed on for the experience. Yes, when that person dies, most often they go directly back to their true home (without the negative or evil influence).

You have a main thread to your journey, but each of you in your freewill will encounter many opportunities to stray or try something that was not planned, but it depends on your inner strength and your own truth to get back on that main thread. If you, in your freewill, cannot return to the main thread, a new one is made. That does not mean you are lost, it just means you are creating a new journey. But, if you have a contract with other souls to interact with each other in some way, that will happen no matter what changes you make.

Value the life you live, try keeping the peace with all. Be aware of all choices you make and know that there are no perfect relationships... there is compromise in all things. Pray for those that you know are in need. Life on Earth can be hard, but it can also be beautiful.

Adrien: Life on Earth can be quite joyful! It depends entirely on how you 'see' things. The spin you put on occurrences. Some have a totally negative outlook, even on things that are a positive. It takes a lot of self talk and changing that bad habit of seeing things in the negative to a positive... but it IS possible.

There are a lot of books that can help, but you can also determine to help yourself by changing all the bad thoughts to good. Now that would be a very good habit to bring into your life.

Bartholomew: It is a very daunting year for many of you in many different ways according to what is happening in your life. You just need to remember what we have discussed before... the curve for life is up and down... if you are experiencing down at the moment, given time things change and life will be on the 'up' for you again.

One of the major challenges all of you are facing is patience. Patience will help you persevere through any hardships or 'down' times. Yes, it is hard during those down times to get yourself back into the positive realm that you should live in, but if you try, I promise that your Angels will be there to help.

One thing to help is in remembering the last time you were in a bad situation, how long it took to make changes, and what the outcome was. Some situations do take years to make a change for the better, but in most cases, you (yourself) are the one that did not remove the problem.

Prayer, meditation, exercise, being social with others... there are so many other ways, including these that can help.

Above all... be patient.


Bartholomew: So many of you have to 'fight' to stay in a positive mode. Why can't you be happy, you wonder when you have so much and things are ok.
Dear Ones, you are all homesick. You may think you are missing something on Earth that should be in your life or that once was in your life. But, truth... you are homesick for your true home... the one you will return to after your Earth journey is ended.

So many reasons that each of you came here to begin with, and as said before... most of you that are on your 'Spiritual' journey came to help Mother Earth in her time of need. A Spiritual journey is one that is made of a desire to help, to heal, to be more than you are. And there are those that come to Earth just for the adventure alone or to create havoc as so many younger souls do.

To offset the homesickness, you just need to remember that 'home' is there for you, but you have to finish this journey first and know that you are loved for the Divine journey that it is.

You are not here alone. There are so many volunteers that are here with you that are in Spirit only. Dale is Blessed to hear us, some are Blessed to see us as well, but if you are not one of those, just know that we are definitely here and here only because of you. We do what we can to help in all ways, but it is mainly up to you.

The knowledge and interactions with others while on Earth will help your homeland in many ways. One is that while you are on Earth, you venture to more places than your physical body and mind realize and the information you gather goes straight back to your home.

So you are so much more than you realize. Embrace life in all ways, learn to trust that you are exactly where you are supposed to be and who you are supposed to be. If your circumstances are harsh, then do what you can to change those circumstances. We help with energy and thought and guidance through your thought processes, but it is up to you to follow through.

Lily: Heaven sent gifts come in many different forms. It could be a special song you hear in your mind or on the radio or TV. It could be a memory from the past... good or bad. Good ones... just enjoy and be thankful; the bad ones... learn to release and move on.

Finding time to enjoy life is important also. Knowing that if you have the time, you need to fill it with positive action... singing, reading, the things you really enjoy. But it is equally important to recognize that the things you do daily can be overwhelming, and when that happens, you need to reorganize your thoughts and time.

By organizing, I mean to look at the overall picture, see what you need to focus on first, then tackle the other things in order of need. But save time out for you... at least an hour a day. It's important for your health and well being.

Whether it is afternoon or evening, it is yours to enjoy. Recognize that time as yours to do as you wish... read, TV, meditate... whatever helps you to reconnect with you. Look at movies and life as having good endings.

Maybe it is time to change a few things, to challenge yourself. If you are not ready, ask for help in reorganizing your life for better. By asking God or your Angels to help with this reorganization, you just might find the right magic to make those changes and truly enjoy something new in your life. Wait and see.

For now, just know that you are not alone, and if you have something in your life that hurts emotionally... change is really near. Know in your heart that miracles do happen.

Dale Epley


Know in your heart that the best is yet to come!


Be a rainbow in someone's cloud.
Maya Angelou


August 4 to August 27
November 25 to December 15


We're all just walking each other home.~~ Ram Dass


NEW ADDRESS, same phone & website: Dale Epley, 6060 Maria Ct., Russellville, TN. 37860, PH. 423-254-2085,
Email Dale